Why You’re Worth It

a personal note from Katy


“You have to believe you’re worthy first, that’s when you’ll start to see the changes you want because that’s when you’ll truly get brave enough to start making the changes that lead to your best life!”

One of the hardest things for us to wrap our minds around as women is stopping to take care of ourselves

Self-care comes in the form of resting, making time for healthy habits like exercise and meditation, spending money on ourselves for the things we need (which most us struggle with and put off so we can spend more on our families), but also (and arguably the most difficult) spending money and time on things we WANT and things that will make our lives better.

I used to struggle so much with taking time for myself, but even more so with spending money on myself.  It didn’t help that my husband didn’t want to spend money on most things either.  Then I got a therapist, and my life-changing journey began.  She taught me how to start valuing myself enough to take time for me and spend my hard-earned money on things I wanted and things that helped me to significantly improve my life!  I started with hiring a cleaning company.  Something that I had wanted for years, but I felt like it was too frivolous to spend on because I was perfectly capable of doing it myself.  Well, technically I guess I was capable of doing it myself, but in reality I was working a full time job with two kids under age 3 and had a husband who didn’t really care if the house was clean.  I was exhausted and overwhelmed, and hiring a cleaning company truly changed my life!

This was also the first time in my life I was willing to go against my husband’s wishes about spending money to take care of myself.  It was scary, but because of the work I had done in therapy, I FINALLY believed that I deserved it! 

My next purchase was a personal trainer!  Someone who knew what they were doing and motivated me to build up the strength I had lost after having 2 babies.  It was amazing!  Not only was I feeling better from gaining the strength back, but I was feeling so confident and good about myself for finally putting myself first and taking care of me!!

A new car came next, and the list goes on, but the point is that learning I was valuable and worthy just for being born and being who I am was the beginning of a life-changing journey to create my best life which I am living now!!

So often we think that we’ll spend the money when X happens, or we’ll make the time for healthy habits after Y is done, but the fact is that it just doesn’t work this way. 

Happiness Method for Women

First of all, time is never guaranteed so who knows how long you’ll have to enjoy your life, but also you don’t become worthy after you lose weight or after you earn more money.  The reality is that you have to believe you’re worthy first, that’s when you’ll start to see the changes you want because that’s when you’ll truly get brave enough to start making the changes that lead to your best life!

Even if you don’t believe it yet, I promise you are worth the time and money it takes to invest in a course to start your life-changing journey of learning your value and your worth, and creating your own best life just like I did!

– Katy Blommer